In this unique retelling of The Nutcracker, the author weaves the original story and characters together seamlessly with a rich setting and spins a romantic and dark new tale.
The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books
A bounty of lust, gore, and moral dilemmas, [Winterspell] is sure to please fans of dark fairy tales.
Marissa Meyer, New York Times bestselling author of Cinder
What a mesmerizing whirlwind of a story! I was simultaneously horrified and enchanted by the land of Cane, with all its passion and mysteries, magic and mechaniks. Claire Legrand’s writing has the grace of a ballet, but this is definitely not your grandmother’s Nutcracker tale.
Publishers Weekly
The story of The Nutcracker receives a sinister steampunk twist in an engrossing retelling. Legrand’s story is rich in fantastical realism…